Smart Label Solutions™ is a world leading ePaper™ application provider.

Discover SLS

Who We Are

Smart Label Solutions Inc., a proud Canadian company, is a world leading e-paper application provider and a key business of Printers Plus Inc., which has been in the label business for over 32 years. As an innovator in leveraging technology for digital transformation, Smart Label Solutions™ helps businesses large and small improve operations, management, and the consumer experience through e-paper technology. Our clients come from different industries, and as a solution driven and service minded company, we work interactively with them on every project to ensure every challenge is considered.

SLS Company Introduction

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Smart Label Solutions™ is an electronic shelf label (ESL) solutions provider.

We take a wholistic approach to our work; our electronic shelf label solution is individualized to every retail store we work with and what would work best.

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